Free Templates
Get started with one of our pre-defined templates ranging from clean and elegant to splash colorful ones.

Free invoice and receipt templates
Free templates
Are you ready to create simple and professional document templates? We’ve selected the most popular template designs for your use at no extra charge. You can use our free generator for template editing. Both generators include 2 free templates, the ability to add a logo to the document and change the color of the template. Also, you can edit all the necessary information starting from the name of the document and price of the goods to tax charge and currency.
If you want to download free templates, you can visit these pages:
- Invoice template
- Receipt template
Here you can find more detailed templates tailored to different industries such as design, construction, service and retail business. Can’t find a suitable template or style? Want to have a look and try out other template designs? Try our system absolutely free of charge. We have more than 10 different template designs.
Create first free invoice
The main benefits of free templates:
- The document looks professional, clean and simple. Clients have direct access to all the necessary information.
- The logo and design will impress even the most meticulous clients.
- Your document will stand out among all other seller’s invoices.
- The satisfaction of a client is the key to success in any business.
- If you choose to use our system, you will be able to set up direct online payments, which would simplify and speed up receivables.
- You will always have access to the latest information and history on each of your clients.
Why do you need to use online templates?
Nowadays most entrepreneurs have switched from physical paperwork to online services. It’s easy, convenient and fast. You can keep all the information in the cloud, you don’t need to use a pen and notebook. In order to keep all details in our system you just need to have a phone or a laptop with internet access. You can be confident about data protection, our system has the latest data safety measures in place. Online templates are much more convenient compared to old-fashioned invoice creation methods such as through Excel or Word. It doesn’t matter where you are, on vacation or on a business meeting, you can readily generate and send an invoice using your mobile phone. Our online payment system will finalize the deal in a short period of time. You can integrate your accounts from payment processors such as Stripe or PayPal and automatically accept invoice payments in the Invoicy system.